Taiji for Everything!
do you want from your practice?
it is, make that your focus and that's what you'll get.
if you make your focus the fact that it's not yet how you'd like it
to be, you'll always feel a failure because you're focusing on how it
you want your movements to be flowing... then practise flowing
movements. Today they will be more flowing than yesterday or last
week, but only if you practise. Practise putting on your socks in a
flowing manner, going upstairs, sitting down, rising from a chair...
everything! Then flow will develop.
practise session will generally be only a small portion of your day.
Use this time more intensively to really focus on those qualities or
abilities that you want to develop. Then feel for opportunities to
apply those things to other activities and situations during the rest
of the day. Integration into the everyday, the regular patterns of
your life, will not only improve your Taiji, but it will touch how
you are and who you are.
Taiji as your touch stone and your life will become your Taiji.